Time remains, after 70+ years! the most dynamic element of my life! even as it was in the beginning. It confuses me with its spirit, elusive structure,beguiling attraction and reason to continue sitting on the dock of the bay, observing its arch while seeking its wisdom; for us older guys, this is more than sufficient living and provocative thought to support deeper analysis and , more time considering time's potential.
Indeed, as I thought a bit a bout the events of the past day or so, I realize that I have lived it all before, but never in the same way or even character, leaving that time, on an entirely new plane, and yet a plane I've visited so often before which leaves wondering, over the plane of time, how many times will I again visit this same three dimensional plane - or does it have more than 3 planes or even more dimensions? That, is something I intend to have time to explore further. This week, I acquired access to over 90 new clients (of course, I worked for more than two years to access these clients. And yet I feel that this effort only started a day or two ago while the conscious effort of considering time, I am left once again, satisfied and confused at the same time (sorry about constant fallback to the concept of time because, it really does not consume me, as my business does! My business: the thrill of providing tools and resources for clients. To toss out frustration, fear and the darkest of feelings. Of course, you have to have been there in order to internalize the thrills that are mine. What a great life this has given me - it could not have been better! Thank you to my parents who without knowledge of it, provided me with a tortured but perfect foundation for the time that I now think of as my life. And, I never allow the future to consume more than moments because I insist on living this moment so that I can find and shed light on another's dark moment/place. If they know that they don't walk alone, then anyone, regardless of their foundation can over time enjoy the thrill of personal success, but they have to realize it while living it. To that end, I wish everone a goodnight.
Elderly thoughts from a mind in need of rest. From the unsound mind of an old man..."
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