Thursday, April 3, 2014

A dollar per vote =America. We have long known that our Founders, most of whom were opposed to the Two party that has. Evolved here. Why? Because they knew that one would eventually be owned by the wealthiest and that event would end the democratic experiment that they were initiating . And, what pertains people they were. They could have avoided many of the issues by making the Supreme Court appointments be limited to eight year terms but, oh well, it now looks that The United States is, at last, truly The Best Government that Money Can Buy! We have spent the past 60 years forcing our will on others, decrying the behaviors of the very people we imposed on their citizens and creating a domestic environment where those with the money would literally own the elected office holders throughout  what was our country, making each of us non-billionaires subject to the whims of the billionaires. In the period of my lifetime, the U.S. Has gone from White Hats to Black Hats. Life going forward will see you and I getting to fully understand the life of a serf, because the Supreme Court has recently assured that! Sometimes knowing that. The future is very short!
Aloha and peace to all

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