Friday, February 21, 2014

I have an opportunity to exchange my time and reputation for an interest in a new business that is working to get off the ground. I have the experience and contacts necessary to help them through multiple rounds of financing; financing that could result in a business that the market value in excess of 4 billion dollars. I always have believed in myself enough to make these kinds of deals. And, this is a company that I believe in an; a mission, management team and concept that I should proceed. But, I have lost my proverbial ass and temporarily my reputation on deals exactly like this. As an elderly man, I think that I am going to have to pass. My reputation is much too valuable to me. Besides, my wife could not stand the stress. Like most people, she would internalize the potential value before it becomes liquid and then potentially "lose" it all. At this age, the emotional impact combined with my possible loss of reputation to accomplish that which I promise. If elderly means wise, I have to reject this opportunity. Thanks for letting me ramble. I hope my kids don't miss out on the hundreds of millions this could have been for them but, at this time, I have to think first of my wife and me. Strange how priorities change over the years! Off I go to enjoy my little corner of the world while knowing that at least my reputation remains in tack!
Aloha folks

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