Rage, where does this destructive. Emotion originate? While massive amounts of energy seems to be used during times of rage, weight loss or other beneficial effects can be attributed to this emotion. Indeed, it appears to only be destructive but I have been unable to identify a cause but I do hope that neuroscientists will one day soon discover a cause and therefore a cure because I am convinced that the more of us that are in this rat race, the greater the instance and impact of rage we will face! I know that I encounter ever more troubled people during my afternoon walks. I live in a "nice" community but am apparently surrounded by dru addicts, sex deviates, and young people with emotional control issues. From this, I've decided that we should allow certain States to succeed, but only if they agree to take our deviates. Not an overly bright thought but, it is honest.
Actually, on the matter of states suckering, let them go but they will have to pay back for Federal assets located in the State, pay to surround their State with fencing like that proposed for the Mexican border and otherwise realize that they will not be treated any differently than any other foreign nation.
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