Today, the world is completely upside down, but not for the first time . Remember the Islamic invasion of Spain, the Russian invasion of Hungary or choose your geo-political event, each of which is simply a repeat of history. We must note that our government requires a historian to advise each President and Congressional leader. If we had had that in 2003, we most likely would not be in the Mddle East pickle of today And, we would be clear on th Ukrane matter going forward. And furthermore, we need only go back to our involvement in Vietnam to know that we are perilously close to the slippery slope that could return us to the barbaric rule of I
Sis (.whoever that really is! But why do we not simply nuke the bastards? They've earned it and I urge our country to pay them their due!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Gravitas: an interesting word that is given many definitions but the one I like is " weight of importance through time" I like that because several unrelated people attributed it me and if that won't make you chuckle just a bit, you've not thought about it! I admit, I do like being thought of, even if not as I might. It just feels good to know your time has left an impression, I.e. I've at least I've been here, and I can prove it -:) to those who've not had the pleasure, listen to a country & western song and you can find me right there, in the final bar or two of most songs or for that matter, most performances. As my life filters through time, I hope that I've met my obligation to honestly respect your world! Aloha Nui loa to those close to me.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Where have all the Progressives gone? We got old and, when the Wimp, Barak Obama traded his values for position and wealth, we lost all hope. The moral high ground was lost with promises to cure George W. bushes ills were dropped on the day of Obama's first inauguration. He failed to cure the cultural decay imposed by 30 years of Republican conversion to 1898. At 70, I expect to have a comfortable remaining life, but only because I worked my ass of since age 12! I see little wrong with the current generation(s) other than their blind faith in the notion that "government" is the problem. Just as Regan destroyed the Nation's best education system in the U.S., he also ruined the moral upper hand that was once America's by his actions in the Middle East, Central America . And of course, Regan's recent predecessor, Richard Nixon who was an out-n-out criminal and then what happened? The Supreme Court appointed the next President even though his opponent won the popular vote. So, a Republican Supreme Court and two totally immoral fRepublucan presidents put us here, on the long slide to Oblivion. It's too late to worry now. As a nation, we have accepted this decline from greatness so we have but ourselves to blame!
Aloha and good luck to all!
Aloha and good luck to all!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
I'm still here! This has simply been an incredible summer! The Seattle weather has never been finer business has been good and while society seems to continually slip further , but, I can't concern myself with matters that I will never affect, so on I go. Next step, find someone to take me crabbing, seeking the ever elusive Puget Sound due genesis crab - oh boy!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Do you ever wonder whether you are really here at any given time? Today, my brain has been lost in a whirlpool of wonder, trying to sort out reality from the cloudy confusion of weather I am actually on my immediate way to another, hopefully more easily understood vortex. It is today, the most disconcerting trip through my mind. I am not a drug user and have been sober, non-drinking person so I am fully confused, a state that I don't believe I have ever experienced. Indeed, this is so otherworldly, leaving me feeling empty /dumbfounded . Also, I have an overwhelmingly feeling of need for clarity. With that, I have to say Help, but also that I am so sorry about this confused departure point. And finally, please note that I wish the best for everyone.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Another beautiful day but my daughter's father-in-law's life is waning. We pride ourselves in having family even as so many have passed. Losing another is very tough and we wish Gary and his beautiful wife Judy all the best. They are great people who deserve simply the very best. It is hitting my wife very hard because of her fear of death; a matter that is not far off for either of us but I see it much differently than my wife. Having approached it twice and having fully prepared for it, I guess that I am simply lucky! Those days remaining are of course mine alone. I wish though that I had the ability to make my wife's remaining time less stressfull! I think that I have plenty of time to help my wife get through the autumn of her life so I simply don't want to think about it today but let me say: I wish Judy (son-in-laws) mother) mother all the best!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
War, Business, politics, it's all hardball, played with rules that are ignored at will and almost never punished. These are human activities that totally ignore my personal values of honesty, respect and the application of humanity in all situations. These are also the issues that are making America follow the World to the bottom! What a race; let's see who can be the worst. Isn't that fun! To those who will suffer the consequences of this ugliness, people like my children, their peers and others likely to still be here in twenty or so years when the full impact of today's failures, please become enlightened and try to save your world for yourselves.
Monday, July 21, 2014
The R's a new world order and it is here now! The formation of a new "development" bank by the BRIC countries spells a new platform from which we will all need to re-evaluate our personal platforms, both economic and social because of this. Those who accomplish this transition will succeed and those that do not will fail. Those of us that are rldrly are most at risk. Our historic investment and social philosophies will very likely trail changes until we are buried at every level so regardless of ones age, it is critical right now to survive these changes.
Friday, July 18, 2014
I'm fine but today does feel strangely like the beginning of the end; with full out war in Gaza, rebels that won't even allow people to gather remains to return to family- the most heartless action since e killing of 6 and 7 year olds in that Connecticut elementary schools; an event repeated so often that humans become more heartless by the day. If only they could love as I do my children, who I pray are forever protected from this foley kids, please forever be humble, respectful and full of love for humanity. Aloha to all
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Just like in school, the weak minded always tried to use brute force to impose their will, the Republicans who are unable to win elections on the basis of their philosophies are once again trying to use their "might" through litigation over historically legal actions and threats of impeachment when they also lack the basis for it - they are simply wasting OUR money and it pisses me off! If I could demolish these cats, I would in a minute. IDIOTS! God help America as we slowly drift into the Avis's. Amazing too, investigate the history of Republican Presidents and you find a long history of BUMS!
I need to stay alive just to watch them be squished like the little bugs that they are!
I need to stay alive just to watch them be squished like the little bugs that they are!
Monday, July 7, 2014
It is time for the nation to dissemble . Up to 50 new sovereign nations makes total sense to me. Let each new nation agree to give up what is now Federal property, establish its own international trade and immigration laws and then decide what defense agreements each might want to enter into. Immediate termination of all "US " international agreements since the US would cease to exist. Now is the time to cause this to happen (2014) let each US citizen choose whaich sovereign to to move to and swear allegiance to while giving up citizenship in both the US and the sovereign that they currently live in.
Yes, I do firmly believe in this as the only way to solve our problems.
Yes, I do firmly believe in this as the only way to solve our problems.
Monday, June 30, 2014
It is nearly the end of June 2014 and more importantly, it is clearly the formal announcement (by the Supreme Court) that we - the US is now a formal Theocracy! As an ordained First American Atheist Revwrend, I will revise to pay Federal taxes because those funds are used to kill people through America's trumped up wars! That was Refuse! I am mad enough at the current US government, at all levels that we either need a true revolution and/or my preference, the dissolution of the United
States. Let each State succeed, determine the value of Federal assets in each State, agree that that each new sovereign owes 1/50th of the total value of Federal assets to be retained to each of the remaining States. The balance of the details of this human rights move will be forthcoming but for now: Give Me Liberty from America!
Aloha all
States. Let each State succeed, determine the value of Federal assets in each State, agree that that each new sovereign owes 1/50th of the total value of Federal assets to be retained to each of the remaining States. The balance of the details of this human rights move will be forthcoming but for now: Give Me Liberty from America!
Aloha all
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
2014 and thus far, every season has been spectacular! Here in the Pacific Northwest, the month of November, December and January are supposed to be constantly overcast with an occasional snow storm and oh what the heck, let's add a windstorm or two. Feb through March = wind! rain! clouds and more. But now it is June and we are in the midst of a warm, sunny Sumer. Don't tell anyone! We are trying to keep outsiders out. We don't want the world to know that this is paradise. I've searched for a better place to live out my days and now know that this is the greener grass! Think I'll stick around while I can paradise is just too sweet!
Aloha Bro
Aloha Bro
Monday, June 9, 2014
Tick, tick, tick, tick
At least I get to visit my kids now and then. Absent those events, there would be little to entice me to rise each day. Physical limitations make the days harder but the opportunity to visit with those who are important to me make the difference between simply becoming a vegetable and having a reason to find something each day like today - watering the plants to be sure they survive the early summer-like weather. Preserving some life form is good enough for me so this will be a constructive day by my very modest standards!
Peace and Aloha
At least I get to visit my kids now and then. Absent those events, there would be little to entice me to rise each day. Physical limitations make the days harder but the opportunity to visit with those who are important to me make the difference between simply becoming a vegetable and having a reason to find something each day like today - watering the plants to be sure they survive the early summer-like weather. Preserving some life form is good enough for me so this will be a constructive day by my very modest standards!
Peace and Aloha
Friday, June 6, 2014
I've always admired optimism and it has pretty much been a staple in my bag of tricks but, as I watch younger folks charge headlong into very questionable actions that would appear to deserve more consideration (and perhaps) trepidation, based almost solely on their belief that "it" will work out and I begin here in my advanced years to question my optimism. Should I be more cynical? I've seen my share of cons and dishonest people so cynicism is not hard for me to inject into my analysis but...... How do I now balance my skepticism with my natural optimism to make valid decisions?, particularly when dealing with the natural optimism of youth? A skill that I still must master!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
I once thought that I was within hours of death after being told that weeks was my prognoses but was on the table in the OR as they began a craniotomy. Since that moment three years ago, I have not been able to shake the notion that death is imminent. The concern has not kept me from moving forward but I doubt that I have been as clearheaded and focused as in the past. As a result, I have this nagging feeling that there are missed matters and I hate being disconnected! So I need to connect more with my kids, they keep me in the now!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I've just returned from my morning coffee "talking story" with my pals here in Honolulu. We all watched a "shark tank" episode last night that featured a wanna be entrepreneur who was proud of her live achievements but couldn't stop talking. All of us have started, owned, and sometimes been partners with one another in business ventures. This you understand follows long stretches in universities and extensive work experience. Together, we were astonished at this foolish young girls inability to take advantage of the Sharks considerable experience and knowledge as they kept offering her advise - free advice from extremely successful business people and she couldn't shut her mouth long enough to learn lifetime lessons! What a stupid youngster. Of course, at our advanced age, we tend to pick on those too short-sighted to see the obvious. Oh well, we were not to become her partners anyway so.......let her learn from experience as we have. It is just a little frustrating though to witness those who insist on the harder path when the golden one is laid out right in front of them. I suppose that might be the basics of naïveté vs. Wisdom. And of course, I wish her all the best!
Peace & Aloha.......another day at the beach
Peace & Aloha.......another day at the beach
Friday, May 16, 2014
Another day in paradise, mostly with my daughter and her friend -that I've known for maybe 12 years. Simply all that an old man could wish for. My daughter seems to be becoming more comfortable with who she is. That has long been an issue that has interfered with her journey and this growing acceptance just makes me as happy as the day she was born! She has everything and combined with this growing sense of peace with herself is all that a very proud father could ever expect. That gives me two, brilliant, incomparable children who, as they each approach 50 years of age are more than I could ever have had the nerve the nerve to ask for! And it makes me extremely happy to know that each has arrived at this exceptional point in life. Aloha to all, I need to prepare for an evening of exceptional food as my son-in-law and I get an evening together. Aloha to all!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
I'm home, enjoying the company of men that I've known for more than 40 years, some of whom are pushing 90 years of gathering the foundation of wisdom! As with all of us, they have very disparrat experiences so after 70 to 90 years, we talk story -- a melding of those experiences that allow us to grow ever deeper respect for oneanothther and those that have travelled similar paths. Individually, we are as unique as the next wave in the sea but collectively we are a simple millpond that have experienced the ebb & flow of another load of logs. It is the difference between the millpond and sea itself that best describes us. We are the same and yet so different. And it is because of these differences and similarities that we can define our present by the stories we. Tell, the story telling of aging men, each of whom has insisted on forging his own path, his own values and his personal goals. Today we talk story about the stories we made in days long gone but never of the foolishness involved in looking too far forward. And the friendship grows as the acceptance of each other as we are is acknowledged by all. With this, I'm adjourning to enjoy the sunset of another perfect day in paradise!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
This will be nothing new to most folks but, what the heck! I have enjoyed the good fortune of working at one level or another with far too many entrepreneurs to count. Frankly, the best were those who had failed a few times but had learned from each failure and employed the lessons learned in those failures. I can tell you that nearly all over estimated revenue in the early going, even more missed on the selling costs and the real failures were those that didn't throw themselves into the sales and marketing aspects of the business. Oh of course the product has to be developed and produced but you cannot win with inadequate sales so bury yourselves in marketing activities and then produce the product to meet the customer needs. If you'll do that and not waste money nor fear hard work, then your small business has a chance of caring for you over the long haul.
Simple as this all might seem, I'll bet that over half the failing businesses that I've advised forgot these simple truths long enough to drown in fear and self pity when just a little focused effort could have gotten them over the hump! Simple as that, as is much of life! So go enjoy the fruits of a labor well invested.
Simple as this all might seem, I'll bet that over half the failing businesses that I've advised forgot these simple truths long enough to drown in fear and self pity when just a little focused effort could have gotten them over the hump! Simple as that, as is much of life! So go enjoy the fruits of a labor well invested.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Here I sit, nearly 24 hours since my most recent CTscan. From experience, I know that the longer I wait for a call from the doctor with the results of either the ct scan or the MRI, the less likely the outcome is likely to be bad news. That said, the stress of not knowing while the pain continues leaves me ever more stressed about that outcome. Oh well, buck up, be a man, and all the other cliches that fail to relieve the pain. That said, I remain confident that the news will be good and my time has yet to come. I have always been a late bloomer so there is no reason for that to change now. I just need to relax, forget about the past and all aspects of the future other than the joy of seeing my kids again soon - the greatest pleasure of my life!
Aloha & peace to all! Just me
Aloha & peace to all! Just me
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Another day and this one included another CTscan. Seems that there may be another issue with the fifty percent of one kidney that I have left. First, while having cancer and now the possibility of the return thereof, the simple process of a nuclear scan of the body trunk and a day waiting to get results really is a bummer! I'm not crying, just tired of running into death causing issues with my aged body. I know, I'm 70 so what's the big deal right. At this age we are supposed to be invisible. Being invisible is one thing but I still have things to do, some for the good of my fellow man, but most simply for me. Those for me do not sise to the level of any concern but, those that I still want to do for others are important, for the beneficiaries. I come from a community that is borne of giving and I need to complete that part of my life so regardless of findings, will indeed work diligently at being here to accomplish those goals. For to might, Aloha and peace, once again; please!
Till we next communicate......
Till we next communicate......
Thursday, April 3, 2014
A dollar per vote =America. We have long known that our Founders, most of whom were opposed to the Two party that has. Evolved here. Why? Because they knew that one would eventually be owned by the wealthiest and that event would end the democratic experiment that they were initiating . And, what pertains people they were. They could have avoided many of the issues by making the Supreme Court appointments be limited to eight year terms but, oh well, it now looks that The United States is, at last, truly The Best Government that Money Can Buy! We have spent the past 60 years forcing our will on others, decrying the behaviors of the very people we imposed on their citizens and creating a domestic environment where those with the money would literally own the elected office holders throughout what was our country, making each of us non-billionaires subject to the whims of the billionaires. In the period of my lifetime, the U.S. Has gone from White Hats to Black Hats. Life going forward will see you and I getting to fully understand the life of a serf, because the Supreme Court has recently assured that! Sometimes knowing that. The future is very short!
Aloha and peace to all
Aloha and peace to all
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Amazing how many people do not understand the key efforts of the Obama administration. The ACA is totally misunderstood, something I believe is totally due to the failure of Obama to explain it while the Koch brothers s
pending billions to distort it. The same is true for the Farm bill, the employment stimulus through infrastructure replacement and minimum wage bills. The main reason however because most people are both ill informed and not intelligent enough to have figured these things out. And of course, there are some simply evil people (my guess about 60% of our population fall in this latter category.
It is a sad commentary on how political lying and poor education has led to the serious decline in America!
Aloha and Good luck!
pending billions to distort it. The same is true for the Farm bill, the employment stimulus through infrastructure replacement and minimum wage bills. The main reason however because most people are both ill informed and not intelligent enough to have figured these things out. And of course, there are some simply evil people (my guess about 60% of our population fall in this latter category.
It is a sad commentary on how political lying and poor education has led to the serious decline in America!
Aloha and Good luck!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
If you are reading this, you are more than likely to be a family member of mine but to whomever may find any interest in my thoughts, I apologize only if you find this to be repetitive but note, it is my intent to repeat the Thought until the end of my time! This comes to mind on almost a daily basis and that is: R-e-s-p-e-c-t for all aspects of others must be respected. Not placed on a pedaastle but rather given equal credibility for who they are on an absolutely even plane. Please try each day to respect all of those with whom you have any level of interaction. The absolute exercise of respect would result in universal peace and love. And therefore even the worst of our problems could be bid a due if we would each simply deploy respect in all of our thought and interactions. Aloha my friends
Saturday, February 22, 2014
For the observant, you know that I have a particular love for Hawaii. While born in Washington State, I have considered myself a Kamaaina ( of the land), one "of" Hawaii. There is something in me that causes me to have an overwhelming sense of belonging in both Washington State and Hawaii. We most likely all have a place where that Place creates a sense of absolutely belonging and that is true for me in both places regardless of where I am at any given time. Part of that, I assume, is because I have people in both places that I love and who love me. So, while I Love both places like Linus lives his blanket, I have to say that both are home and because of that, I am always torn when I board a plane headed either direction. I am, at this moment, trying to decide whether to buy tickets for a round trip and I'm torn more than at ant time in the past. I don't want to leave my friends and family But, I can't wait to get home to my friends and family - a cantu drum that I face often. But, regardless of what I do, nothing will change through tHe balance of my life to alter this conundrum, nothing will ever change the inner conflict nor the love that I have for family, friends and place that lives in my heart in both Wa. & Ha. Aloha to ALL!
Friday, February 21, 2014
I have an opportunity to exchange my time and reputation for an interest in a new business that is working to get off the ground. I have the experience and contacts necessary to help them through multiple rounds of financing; financing that could result in a business that the market value in excess of 4 billion dollars. I always have believed in myself enough to make these kinds of deals. And, this is a company that I believe in an; a mission, management team and concept that I should proceed. But, I have lost my proverbial ass and temporarily my reputation on deals exactly like this. As an elderly man, I think that I am going to have to pass. My reputation is much too valuable to me. Besides, my wife could not stand the stress. Like most people, she would internalize the potential value before it becomes liquid and then potentially "lose" it all. At this age, the emotional impact combined with my possible loss of reputation to accomplish that which I promise. If elderly means wise, I have to reject this opportunity. Thanks for letting me ramble. I hope my kids don't miss out on the hundreds of millions this could have been for them but, at this time, I have to think first of my wife and me. Strange how priorities change over the years! Off I go to enjoy my little corner of the world while knowing that at least my reputation remains in tack!
Aloha folks
Aloha folks
Monday, February 17, 2014
Rage, where does this destructive. Emotion originate? While massive amounts of energy seems to be used during times of rage, weight loss or other beneficial effects can be attributed to this emotion. Indeed, it appears to only be destructive but I have been unable to identify a cause but I do hope that neuroscientists will one day soon discover a cause and therefore a cure because I am convinced that the more of us that are in this rat race, the greater the instance and impact of rage we will face! I know that I encounter ever more troubled people during my afternoon walks. I live in a "nice" community but am apparently surrounded by dru addicts, sex deviates, and young people with emotional control issues. From this, I've decided that we should allow certain States to succeed, but only if they agree to take our deviates. Not an overly bright thought but, it is honest.
Actually, on the matter of states suckering, let them go but they will have to pay back for Federal assets located in the State, pay to surround their State with fencing like that proposed for the Mexican border and otherwise realize that they will not be treated any differently than any other foreign nation.
Actually, on the matter of states suckering, let them go but they will have to pay back for Federal assets located in the State, pay to surround their State with fencing like that proposed for the Mexican border and otherwise realize that they will not be treated any differently than any other foreign nation.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Turned 70 yesterday after spending several years of "worrying" about this age :-) truth is that all my friends turned 70 years ago, so I'm still the youngster :-). In fact, at lunch last week, with one in her late 80's and others in their 70's, I asked the difference between elderly and old. The answer is easy! Old is a description by ones self or others whereas elderly is having internalized the knowledge of experience and converted that to an ability to make superior decisions and lead accordingly. I now pronounce myself elderly :-) Aloha to all.
And, until I wake up again, make sure to be focused on your passions.......
And, until I wake up again, make sure to be focused on your passions.......
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Time is once again messing with me. Due to the lack of slight, I rely on my wife to awaken me which she generally does by calling my name from her bedroom (by the way, separate sleeping quarters is very nice), and in almost every instance where I need to rise earlier then normal, I "think" I hear her calling well in advance of the scheduled wake-up. Today, I have an 8:00 am dental appointment and my assistant is scheduled to pick me up at 7:45. It is now 1:22 am and my mind thought that my wife called me 30 minutes ago so I am up, showered, dressed and ready to go but it is 1:24 am, leaving me with 6.25 hours to kill in the middle of the night! As insane as this seems, I will now sit here at my desk fretting over assignments for my assistant, keeping him busy, me from worrying about my little businesses, and using time that might have been more productively used. Instead, I will consume the next 5+ hours sitting here and have to come home early to ensure that my brain gets all of the rest. Prescribed by my neurologist. I think that perhaps instead of simply wasting time, I shall take my little dog for a walk thereby killing at least two birds with a single ston.
Pece and Goodwill to all.
Pece and Goodwill to all.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
I've grown awfully tired of loosing friends. My x-wife's husband, a truly nice guy, and a man whose natural smile lit a room so fully, it was hard not to really like the guy, so hard that I never even approximated that place. And I sincerely feel bad for my X. I was never a good husband to that wonderful woman but as the mother of my children grew closer in my heart every year after she got rid of me. And over time, I keep loosing real friends and have promised myself that I will work as hard as possible to never cause any form of harm to another human being. I've learned to enjoy the act of giving to the betterment of others to th point of guilt! Part of the guilt is how long it took to get here. Oh well, I'll think about that another time.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Howdy, or more to the point; help! I do understand that members of the Republican Party hate that a Democrat/any Democrat occupies the White House, even though he was elected by overwhelming popular and electoral votes and the TA Party hates him because he is Black and because they simply hate because in reality they are losers. But the actions of these two groups have together moved both the strength and civility of our country into a waste land. It is as though
Another thought floating through! Do yo remember, I think it was in 1992 that Ross Perot challenged as an Independent showing us how us the extent to which NAFTA was going take American jobs and move them south of the border. He has of course been proven right and now they are pushing a trans Pacific Trade Pact that will make Nafta seem as though it nene reads nothing. The facts are that Nafta not only "sucked" jobs out of the country but also fed growing divide between the haves and have nots. Indeed, there will be no middle class in America within months of the adaptation of the Terrible trans pacific deal. Force all "Partners" to meet the same Labor, Environmental and financial requirements as exist here and that has to be a minimum condition for this new trade act if my children will have enough time to save enough money to bury me. Please call your elected Congress Members and fight this Bill , if only to keep your own end-of-life savings in tact. With that, please sleep well!
Tuesday = principals meeting day = talk story ; my favorite way to consume that limited time......but today was truly superior: two people brought in articles written by folks who are each much more respected than yours truly. These articles each confirmed my prognostications from 12 months ago. I always write what I call "Client Notes" each January where I address my concerns about the comming year where I identify industries that I believe will require particularly close scrutiny in order to mitigate risk to investors/lenders. I also propose actions that should be taken with rough time intervals.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Out for my afternoon walk this past fall, a young man approached, holding an unlit cigarette in one hand and as we approached one another, I knew that he was about to ask something of me. Indeed the question came : "do you have a lighter?" As a long reformed smoker, the young man was perceptive enough to know that I was about to start a lecture. I restrained myself for a moment but felt that a conversation with this young man was somehow predestined so swerved that no I didn't have a means of lighting anything but that as a reformed smoker who at his age easily smoked a pack or more per day of nasty unfiltered cigarettes but with great determination had chosen to quit. As the conversation about cigarettes continued, this young person began to tell me about his life. Cigarettes were the least of his problems. He told me that he was also addicted to heron. I told him that while I had never done heron, I had experienced many drugs that were popular in my day but had chosen sobriety because it was easier. At this point, he told me that his parents had divorced in an ugly manner and that his sister who was severely limited by autism. At this point, I shared my story with him: developmentally disabled and now dead brother whom I had loved deeply, parents who died much too early, addiction to alcohol, and many personality deficiencies and a determination to conform to my parents expectations. This young man and I headed our separate ways but I felt not just a surface connection but also a possible positive influence on him as he seemed ready to at least consider being the "man" of his family if for no other reason than the shear joy that being the grown up can be. I certainly hope so! That would make me happier then you might ever imagine. A young stranger that initially scared me is today a big part of the strength that helps see me through days like today where my brain injuries sometimes block my path, but not today as I recall this small slice of my very rich life
Yesterday was my son's 47th birthday. I tried to post my recollections of his birth but my relatively new (2years) blindness has interfered! And now the rest of my brain function is in the way of cogent thinking - and while many post just about anything without consideration to the sensibility of their comments - and that is simply contrary to who I am, about the only matter that is worth protecting for me after all of these years. So, staying true to myself, I hope that whatever is posted on this site over which I have control remain honest and cogent. Now. I need to put my blindness and other deficiencies to bed. Sleeping does help so I now do a lot of that. By the way, there is nothing known that I could have done to avoid the brain issues that have affected but do not ever put your site at risk if possible. It does make love ever more difficult to live.
Peace out and Aloha
Peace out and Aloha
Yesterday was my son's 47th birthday. I tried to post my recollections of his birth day and tell him how proud I am of who he is today but I ran into the only frustration that I experience from my rather newly found blindness (only two years since surgery and masses on my brain stole my sight) so the frustration will be overcome. On the other hand, he last post had a lot of my heart in it for both of my kids is lost and I will just have to be a bit introspective and learn to deal better with circumstances as they are! Plus, both my kids know how deeply I love and respect them! Aloha Nui Loa children of Sandy.... Watching Furniture Girls and checking out! Aloha
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Hi, another beautiful day! I keep forgetting to call and email important people in my life - very bad! I did email my X and her husband tO wish them the best and my help since he was diagnosed with a cancer very similar to my first cancer. It is crazy scarey to be told that you have cancer and my X's new husband is a great guy and I want nothing but the best for him! This cancer finding follows by three days, the announcement that a friend's husband died from cancer and that the day before that a person that I used to work closely with died from yet another cancer. From all of this, I look back and say thanks to myself for living the life that I have! I have two absolutes: 1. Do not cause harm to others! 2. Pursue your pleasures .. 3. Love your family and friends. And charge your battery before you start writing. I have to go plug in! See you very soon.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Wow! My I-Pad now kind of works...and frustration goes on but, as usual, I am one happy cat :-)! I am once again am focused on the needs of my business which, most know is my baby (heck, at this age, mu kids are Old having witnessed a lot of time themselves) - and I think enjoying life even more than me. But my business needs more food (revenue) and that means my creative juices need to get in action because while I am pretty good at sales, the market for our services have changed dramatically over the past couple of years. Now some might think they are tired so let it wither on the vine. I could personally afford to do so but that would kill me! And guess what, I love both the challenge and the creative requirement under pressure. Never could stand the boring...........So, time to let my mind just wander. I know the assignment but, haven't allowed myself the time to be that creative. In my world, it is possible to do better under the pressure of having set deadlines so let me now take the time to think about that and get the basics out of the way so that other time can get re-focused. Happy, Happy....Aloha!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
One of the Principals in my company this morning, partially cured my email issue, but not really. I did get my accumulated email but not additional new email. Help I'm actually thinking of getting a Windows based tablet because I think I might still remember how to use that operating system and therefore face a bit less frustration which my neurologist says will result in less nerve pain in my brain (and now it lacks room for pain ,thinking, and enjoying life so.......) being back at work was fun though.
Whoops, time to move on, there 's that concept again, time. By the way, what is that. Please give me a definition that covers all the instances that it otherwise becomes a part of my vocabulary and more importantly, an element of my life. Mahalo my friends. Help from everyone is in the end how we all move forward and even at this age, I look forward every day to moving forward. I hope you do as well. Do have a great day!
Whoops, time to move on, there 's that concept again, time. By the way, what is that. Please give me a definition that covers all the instances that it otherwise becomes a part of my vocabulary and more importantly, an element of my life. Mahalo my friends. Help from everyone is in the end how we all move forward and even at this age, I look forward every day to moving forward. I hope you do as well. Do have a great day!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Tuesday Market Mgr. Meeting tomorrow. Another opportunity to "talk", my favorite activity "talking stored" remember when you had to make speeches in college? Or even high school? Knees knocked but, it became very satisfying by the end! And, after a time, it became addictive! I absolutely love talking, whether in an informal or formal setting, I view it as an opportunity to learn. The Q & A part always make me smarter and even after all this time, I love it! Someday, I'll tell a story on my twelfth grade home room teacher wh advised me to pursue a career based on BS ing :-) while I didn't do so, shame on me!
Tomorrow is stalking story day again: another day to excell and thank my high school teachers :-)!
With that, I hope the rest of you can spend tomorrow wallowing in your sources of joy!
Aloha to All. And peace as well. Goodnight.......
Tomorrow is stalking story day again: another day to excell and thank my high school teachers :-)!
With that, I hope the rest of you can spend tomorrow wallowing in your sources of joy!
Aloha to All. And peace as well. Goodnight.......
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Nothing Could Be Finer than anticipating anther week in my work word - another opportunity to do stuff that I love to do, and maybe a few I don't but, after all this time, it does not matter what's on the agenda because IS all good! My Ohana wishes you and yours a truly great week ahead! Alisha to all. Now, to go 'fix' another enterprise. Call me Dr. Biz......
Saturday, January 4, 2014
As this page opens, the first word I always is "Blogger" but the first word I read is "bigger" Of course, the word is Blogger but each time, I am taken back to my first significant interaction with a bum(begger) It was 1954 and I was sitting on the 4th avenue steps to the Downtown YMCA. An older man in rumpled, dirty clothes and long unshaven face that asked about the rubber thongs I had on my feet. We talked for a considerable time and when finished, the "bum" put his hand in his pant pocket and extracted what proved to be $1.83. Before he handed me this small fortune, we had enjoyed what I considered a fun time together so I asked why the money and he answered. "Because I took the TIME to talk with him. During the past 69 years, I have often recalled that incident favorably - not for the money but rather for the simplicity of a few kind minutes spent with a lonely older man and the joy of knowing the fortune that it was worth to that person, a person who is certainly long gone now, and how I wish that I could have spent more time with him; not for money but because it was so valuable to him that I have enjoyed it for a lifetime. I hope that I never forget that experience because i get such joy from it and I continue to be as generous as I possibly can be, indirectly I believe because of this experience, so many wonderful years ago... So, as 2014 comes rushing down the path, I do wonder how I can, with my limited old age resources, make life better for the developmentally disabled (my brothers lifetime situation) in the comming year, in part because I miss my brother terribly and because I cannot say that I've nearly had the 1954 learning experience since, except in the community of the developmentally disabled, a very special community. But now, as my time may be expiring, I need to continue and expand whatever good I may have done to this point. Please make your 2014 the best year ever.
Friday, January 3, 2014
- Frustration at my point in life is simply defined =new technology! I invested nearly half of this day getting my I-Pad back to a condition where I could complain about it! The part I hate most is that I hate to complain. It starts a negative train that can last so much longer then it deserves. I tend to think in those cost/benefit terms in virtually all facets of my life, not consciously but at some subconsciously. Of course, if it is subconscious, I don't have to consider the time wasted on such a minor matter :-). Life is good baby! I wanted to know if anyone else experiences the same sense of euphoria at odd times of the day. Personally, I find myself chuckling out loud so often I have to look around to assure myself that I don't have to apologize for disturbing folks. I assume that others do this as well but I never see others engaged in this behavior openly; maybe I have simply gone over the edge :-); but then I've been doing this for decades. Please believe me when I say life is good. I am certain that there are few alive today that have been through more than me (how about having three different doctors telling you that you have between hours and mere months to live for three different deseases within three years of loosing your brother from one of those and only a few decades since parents died from the diseases. And stil, as I did when I was a kid, have little chuckling fits that lift me to where I cannot wait till the next time that a challenge will come my way. There are many reasons after all that time is my friend and so interesting to me. Oh oh, more time has slipped away so must get back to exercising my dream of this day and wishing you at least one of the finest moments of your life in the comming day or two!
Aloha my brothers & sisters.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
If you have a heart or soul, I urge you to search the internet for a copy of Michael Davis providing his eulogy to hi s daughter, 17 year old killed at. arapahoe High School. In the most powerful presentation I have ever witnessed, this man begged for love, respect, and forgiveness. For his daughters killer and others who might trespass, etc. please find this speech, watch it, strip out anything you might find too religious for you and what remains is actually all we have. Our money and "things" are nothing without Mr. Davis' requests. I personally pledge to meet his request every day in the little time I have left. I am convinced that by doing so, regardless of the performance of my business, I will be the most successful man alive! I am so fortunate to have seen this eulogy! Here's hoping you can find such success!
Wow! I love to start my thoughts with a statement of my gut feeling at the moment! And Wow does that pretty well :-) - I hope that your life is on a similar high. I just watched the recovery of a sailer in Puget Sound this afternoon after her cat capsized. It reminded me of the time off the Big Island of Hawaii when I told a fellow guest at one of the nicer resorts that I could take him out on a small sailboat provided by the resort. We headed out and the rudder failed so I slipped over the stern with sail contRol lines in hand and acted as a human rudder and skipper managing the sails. We quickly began heading for a breakwater that would not have provided a comfortable landing. Continuing my "multi-tasking, my fellow boater, a medical doctor newly married observed that his wife standing on shore next to mine looked a bit concerned. In fact she was imagining me taking her new doctor husband away, in a very bad sense. Eventually, I managed to land the vessel back on the Sandy beach, to the relief of all! I don't know why but that thrilling event comes back to mind frequently and because of success with much good ! I certainly hope that the two women who were dunked in Puget Sound this afternoon can find similar warmth as they recall their event 40+ years from now! Every event that I've experienced on the water has been among t
He greatest experiences of my life.
Aloha all!
He greatest experiences of my life.
Aloha all!
I've been asked so I should clarify that I seldom openly discuss political or religious issues because it seems to me that both beget argue mints, seldom beyond yelling since incredibly little logic appears to me to be a significant part of either. In one case, you know that everyone relies on faith in one case and that no one can possibly be listening in the other. All of which in my opinion means that only I (or you) can determine what is true, therefore there is no argument to be had. So off I go with my equally narrow mindset. I m. Ay just have to think about this. Therefore, it must be moving toward bedtime - you know, old guys ofteen face these time outs right in the middle of a thought.
I've been asking knowledgeable people for several years about America's drug policy and hope that someone can help me with this one matter in particular. If there are laws prohibiting the sale and possession of controlled substances but TV advertising of controlled substances that can cause massive personal damage like death is OK. Now personally, I think that "educational" advertising of controlled substances should be allowed provided an equal sum is invested annually by those firms in new product research in order to be able to deduct those costs as an operating expense for tax purposes. I realize that the country has a ton of laws out of sink with reality due to the fact that we have local and federal governments that are the best that money can buy so what would I expect........... This issue is minor among the many unanswered questions I have but it just reoccurred :-) . Also, I keep seeing car ads that warn you not to do this(reckless driving) but heck, that's why I would want that car! At the end of the day, most of my questions by this time seem less likely tobe answered but my inquiries will continue. Why, because I am old so if I am going to know, I need to ask now! Earlier in life, I was too proud to ask because I really thought I either knew or thought that on my stage, I would be expected to know. Little did I realize what a tiny stage I was on! Life is fun! My life coul not be better - in part because I refuse to wallow in recalling those things that are part of my history that shouldn't be. But, they are, so now they are forgotten because I cannot correct them at this point. I am not wrapped up in my end but rather organizing my thoughts and actions for tomorrow, my tomorrow, not someone else's. With that, I need to walk my dogs - real buddies that make me think they love me every time I come in the house - might note what great thespians they are, oops, here I come......
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Welcome to 2014! I was going to start with a comment about dating checks properly but who uses checks anymore? Goodness, I've already begun the new year with an old mistake-allowing my concept mind to get ahead of the pragmatic mind. As a person, I am always greatly embarrassed by any and all mistakes that I make. After all, I am perfect, well in my head perhaps but in reality, I have as many failures and weaknesses as anyone which is after all why it is exciting to close the books on another year and welcome in yet another opportunity to pursue perfection. But like nearly every other day, I no longer have the energy nor the time to devote to impossible dreams. I might note however
That I did devote much of yesterday looking at boats for sale so who knows. My son can drive a boat; after all he drives ships for a living OR maybe a miracle will happen and my sight will magically return. Of course if it did, I wouldn't adjust quickly so the experience of falling frequently would return to my life and at best I could simply claim to have gone in a large circle -:). Again, it is a new year so off I go on a walk designed to burn calories and time. Perhaps I'll see you in this neighborhood again. In the meantime, please enjoy all of this new year! Now, back to my YachtWorld page. Even blind, my mind allows me to enjoy both my past and what could be.
That I did devote much of yesterday looking at boats for sale so who knows. My son can drive a boat; after all he drives ships for a living OR maybe a miracle will happen and my sight will magically return. Of course if it did, I wouldn't adjust quickly so the experience of falling frequently would return to my life and at best I could simply claim to have gone in a large circle -:). Again, it is a new year so off I go on a walk designed to burn calories and time. Perhaps I'll see you in this neighborhood again. In the meantime, please enjoy all of this new year! Now, back to my YachtWorld page. Even blind, my mind allows me to enjoy both my past and what could be.
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