Friday, January 3, 2014

  • Frustration at my point in life is simply defined =new technology! I invested nearly half of this day getting my I-Pad back to a condition where I could complain about it! The part I hate most is that I hate to complain. It starts a negative train that can last so much longer then it deserves. I tend to think in those cost/benefit terms in virtually all facets of my life, not consciously but at some subconsciously. Of course, if it is subconscious, I don't have to consider the time wasted on such a minor matter :-). Life is good baby! I wanted to know if anyone else experiences the same sense of euphoria at odd times of the day. Personally, I find myself chuckling out loud so often I have to look around to assure myself that I don't have to apologize for disturbing folks. I assume that others do this as well but I never see others engaged in this behavior openly; maybe I have simply gone over the edge  :-); but then I've been doing this for decades. Please believe me when I say life is good. I am certain that there are few alive today that have been through more than me (how about having three different doctors telling you that you have between hours and mere months to live for three different deseases within three years of loosing your brother from one of those and only a few decades since parents died from the diseases. And stil, as I did when I was a kid, have little chuckling fits that lift me to where I cannot wait till the next time that a challenge will come my way. There are many reasons after all that time is my friend and so interesting to me. Oh oh, more time has slipped away so must get back to exercising my dream of this day and wishing you at least one of the finest moments of your life in the comming day or two!

Aloha my brothers & sisters.

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