Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to 2014! I was going to start with a comment about dating checks properly but who uses checks anymore?  Goodness, I've already begun the new year with an old mistake-allowing my concept mind to get ahead of the pragmatic mind. As a person, I am always greatly embarrassed  by any and all mistakes that I make. After all, I am perfect, well in my head perhaps but in reality, I have as many failures and weaknesses as anyone which is after all why it is exciting to close the books on another year and welcome in yet another opportunity to pursue perfection. But like nearly every other day, I no longer have the energy nor the time to devote to impossible dreams. I might note however
That I did devote much of yesterday looking at boats for sale so who knows. My son can drive a boat; after all he drives ships for a living OR maybe a miracle will happen and my sight will magically return. Of course if it did, I wouldn't adjust quickly so the experience of falling frequently would return to my life and at best I could simply claim to have gone in a large circle -:). Again, it is a new year so off I go on a walk designed to burn calories and time. Perhaps I'll see you in this neighborhood again. In the meantime, please enjoy all of this new year! Now, back to my YachtWorld page. Even blind, my mind allows me to enjoy both my past and what could be.

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